Know about DMAIC

Six sigma technologies are a way which aims to improve the work process and eliminate defects and DMAIC is a basic component associated with this technology. This is associated with top corporations in the United States and all around the world. One can define it as a set of practices which aim to improve efficiency and also it eliminates defects.

The Six Sigma technology has been in existence for more than 20 years and is based on the principles of total quality management (TQM) and it also has got the influence of zero defect principle. In this method, high quality manufacturing and business processes are achieved with continuous efforts which have been made in order to reduce variations. This system strives to reduce those variations which may deteriorate the quality associated with business and manufacturing and in order to achieve this, the processes must be measured. Steps are to be taken to analyze and control the process and continuous improvement must also be focused in order to grow. To improve the process it is required to have a sustained commitment by the organization and this must be done especially by top level which in turn guides the lower level workers and policies.

One has to note the point that the term Six Sigma is derived from the term high quality output which every organization strives to achieve. Six  Sigma denotes lower level of defects which are as low as 3.4defects per million opportunities. This has saved lot of business around the world and in turn has produced lot of savings, which is about billions of dollars due to the lower defect rate. Six Sigma is a copy right registered by the Motorola Corporation. Motorola has proven records of producing billions of savings after using this technology.

Companies use six sigma technologies which are based on two methods which include DMAIC and DMADV. Now, we are going to cover DMAIC. DMAIC was developed by Edwards Deming. This technology is very useful to improve the existing business process by reducing the defects. There are five steps involved in this which includes defining, measuring, analysis improving and controlling. The below content explains each of the steps:


This is the first step involved in the process and in this step specific goals are defined in order to achieve the outcome that is both consistent with the business and the customer’s demand. It helps in laying down a proper road map for one’s goal accomplishment.


This is used to determine whether defects are reduced or not and a base measurement is required in order to accomplish the step. With this step, accurate measurements are made. Correct data are collected so that comparison can be made in the future in order to determine if the defects are reduced or not.


This is an extremely important step which is used to determine the relationships and also the factors of causality .In order to fix the problem, it is necessary to consider the cause and effect which is an extremely important step.


In order to make improvements, it is necessary to optimize the process based on measurements and analysis which ensures that those defects are lowered and also the process is more streamlined. Making improvements or optimizing your processes based on measurements and analysis can ensure that defects are lowered and processes are streamlined.


The last step in the DMAIC technology is Control which ensures that any variances which arise would be corrected before it influences a process causing negative results. These controls are generally in the form of a pilot test that runs in order to determine if a process is capable and after collecting the data the process is moved to production. These analysis and measurement must ensure to keep the process on track and it must be free of defects and the number of defects must be well below the sigma limit.

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