How to Braid Hair


  • Hair moisturizer
  • Spritz or moose for hold
  • Large comb
  • Fishtail comb

How to make English braids



  1. Take a section of your hair, the larger the section the larger the braid. Comb the section and divide into three equal parts.
  2. At the root of your hair, take the right section and cross it over the middle section. Your middle piece is now your right piece and your right piece is now your middle piece.
  3. Take the left piece and cross it over what is now the middle piece substituting it for the middle piece which now becomes your left piece.
  4. Continue with this action until you get to the end of the shaft.

How to make fishtail braids



  1. Moisturize the section of your hair where you want to put your fishtail braid.
  2. Comb that section and divide into two parts.
  3. Take a piece smaller that your section from behind your left section and wrap it around your left section. Perform the same action on the right section.
  4. Cross your small right section over your small left section.
  5. Repeat step 3 taking new, small sections each time from both the right and left large sections until you reach the end of your hair shaft.

How to make French braids or cornrows



  1. Moisturize your hair and ensure that it is disentangled before you start.
  2. Section your hair by using a fishtail comb to part your hair between each temple and above the mole towards the front of your head.
  3. Section the hair into three equal parts.
  4. At the root of your hair, take the right section and cross it over the middle section. Your middle piece is now your right piece and your right piece is now your middle piece.
  5. Take the left piece and cross it over what is now the middle piece substituting it for the middle piece which now becomes your left piece.
  6. Once you have that braid secure by pulling tightly, add hair from the sides of your head and continue the crossing over actions in the same way described in steps 4 and 5 until you reach the end of your hair shaft.

How to braid hair with hair extensions


  1. Purchase some synthetic hair. For large braids or cornrows you may use 1 pack for smaller braids you should purchase two or more packs.
  2. Section the synthetic hair into the size braids that you desire.
  3. Moisturize your hair before you start.
  4. Drape the synthetic hair over your hair. Now you should have three strands; one from your natural hair and the other two should be synthetic.
  5. Make your hair the left strand and the two strand of synthetic hair your middle and right strand.
  6. Cross the left strand (your hair) over the middle piece, so that it now becomes the middle piece and the middle piece now becomes the left strand.
  7. Cross the right strand (synthetic hair) over the middle piece (now your hair), so that it now becomes the middle piece and the middle piece now becomes the right strand.
  8. Continue this action until you get to the end of the shaft of the synthetic hair.
  9. For some synthetic hairs you have to soak the hair in hot water so that the endsĀ  are manageable.
  10. Do not apply heat to the hair unless the package states that it has the ability to withstand heat.

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